Startup Bootcamps
in Latin America
The best way to learn about entrepreneurship is to get out of the classroom and experience it for yourself.
Travel to Latin America with a tight-knit community, learn what it takes to launch your own business with a supportive network of mentors behind you, and work with local startups to create new opportunities for yourself and others with VamosA.

Explore new career and lifestyle opportunities in the fastest-growing startup hubs in Latin America.

Learn high-demand skills like product development and digital marketing from seasoned experts.

Make new friends, meet inspiring entrepreneurs, and expand your professional network.

Collaborate on digital consulting projects in partnership with mission-driven, local organizations.
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Upcoming Progams
Digital Nomad Retreat
Travel to Cartagena, Colombia, for 6 days to learn how to build your own professional website from seasoned digital nomads and relax in some of the most beautiful beaches in Colombia! There’s no better way to start your digital portfolio and begin your journey making a living remotely.
6 days, 5 nights | Cost: $1,500 | 8 Participants
Early Registration: $1,800
Startup Bootcamp
Travel to Medellín, Colombia, to learn how to launch your first business from seasoned international entrepreneurs, connect with innovative local startups, and explore new career and lifestyle opportunities in “the city of eternal spring.”
9 days, 8 nights | Cost: $2,800 | 16 Participants
Early Registration: $2,500
Who should apply
Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Our programs are designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to launch their first company. Learn from seasoned international entrepreneurs about what it takes to launch new products and grow your organization. Develop professional relationships and expand your network of mentors.
Young Professionals
Our programs are a great option for young professionals under 30 who are considering switching careers, working in Latin America, or becoming digital nomads. Explore exciting destinations abroad and find out if working in a startup environment is right for you.
University Students
Our programs are ideal for undergraduate or graduate students interested in working in a tech company or startup. Make new friends, develop meaningful connections, and explore job and internship opportunities abroad.
Meet some of our partners
Who we are
VamosA is an international training program for aspiring entrepreneurs.
We travel with university students and young professionals to startup hubs in Latin America to learn from international experts how to build, test, and market new products.

Startup Bootcamps
in Latin America
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